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Fight for our Children’s Rights

DCF and Family Court reform is a must! DCF/Family Court victims join in Multi-billion Dollar Class Action lawsuit, Visit to join , or use this recruitment code to join the team I will be leading for this Class Action lawsuit: 33183MJ123,

Florida Election Topic 2015From http://www.votefamily.us/:
Almost on a weekly basis two children are killed under the supervision of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) (last count 534+ in the last six years in Florida  as per the Miami Herald, Many more are taken away from parents even when this is not in the best interest of the children for mainly monetary reasons, see video.

YouTube Channel Art - 2015What’s causing the DCF deaths and the separation of our families? One word summarizes it: GREED. DCF prefers to place children in foster homes or give them for adoption than to give them to family members because for every dollar it spends in foster homes, it receives three dollars from the federal government, a 200% return on investment (ROI) on top of monthly payments received for each foster child, and the bonuses received per adoption, all of which amounts to a highly sophisticated form of child trafficking as reported HERE similar to the Kids for Cash case in Pennsylvania, as described by the believed to have been murdered Senator Nancy Schaefer.


Don’t believe it? Okay…

See testimony from Legal Aid attorney before Florida Supreme Court committee explaining how parents victims of domestic violence may lose custody of their children fam22when they go before a judge for a restraining order seeking protection from their attackers and end up being separated from their children because “as a matter of law” they “have failed to protect their children from witnessing domestic violence:”

Also take a look at three victims testifying at the FLSCT hearings. The second woman is Yarmila Castellanos, had her 3 day-old baby removed from her arms by DCF for no other reason than reporting domestic violence while her three other children were at home.

Unfortunately, these abuses cause great detrimental effects not only to the parents, but most importantly to the innocent children. And, one of the main targets of these gruesome acts are the disabled as per a recent investigation by the Department of Justice:.


Nubia Barahona Murdered by Foster Parents

Judge Manno-Schurr - 11th Jud Cir Miami FL - Family Court


Nubia Barahona Murdered by Foster Parents

The widely known case of Nubia Barahona described here, www.SayNoToPAS.com.

A judge, and DCF ignored clear and convincing evidence that the Barahona children were being abused and neglected based solely in what seemed to be an unprofessional and biased report of a psychologist, Vanessa Archer, who has shown similar behavior in other cases, 1, 2. Despite responsible family members requesting custody of minor children, the Barahona children were left with the foster care abusers for no other reasonable explanation than monetary reasons. A few months later, Nubia Barahona was murdered at the hands of the foster parents, see report, and diagram explaining what some have termed the Family Court Cartel.84caa-legal2babuse2bfamily2bcourts2b-2b2016

Child Support Supports The State - 2015The same greed motivation is behind the forced separation of parents in family courts. If one of the parents has less than 50/50 time sharing, he/she is forced to pay child support, and for every dollar the states spend in child support, the federal government reimburses 66 cents back (so for every $1 the states spend, they receive $1.98 dollars back, a 98% ROI) plus millions in incentives to the states, as per Title IV-D of the social security, which is used among other things to pay the same judges who are giving these orders,  a conflict of interest to say the least.

Child Support Unfairness - 2015So even though 50/50 time sharing is the law in Florida, judges in many cases ignore this under the excuse of the “best interest of the children” when in reality they are motivated by the desire to fill the state coffers and pay their own salaries and benefits.  In other words, as these testimonies show: GREED has replaced the rule of law.41f7c-activism

Get two others and share to become ONE to protect our children and our families and reach the 50,000+ goal for the number of plaintiffs.

Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Florida Supreme Court Testimony Miami Legal Aid Atty on DCF

Florida Supreme Court Testimony Miami Legal Aid Atty on DCF

Preview YouTube video FLSCT Testmony Three Citizens on Family Court Corruption

FLSCT Testmony Three Citizens on Family Court Corruption

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Preview YouTube video Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center 175 NW First Avenue Miami, Florida 33128
Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center 175 NW First Avenue Miami, Florida 33128

Source: Class Action Lawsuit Parental Rights Pending Join In!